My Poster My Magazine cover
For our A2 Media Studies coursework, we had to film a 2 minute trailer, soap drama. We also had to design a magazine listings front cover and poster to advertise the new upcoming soap. We decided to aim our soap to both teenagers and the older audience. We did this by using teenagers in gangs, but also alcoholic older teachers and parents.
Originally, our idea was to create a party scene which was similar to one used to advertise skins. However great this would of looked, it just was not achievable.
After thinking long and hard and after researching all existing soaps, we decided that we were going to do something similar of a mixture between Waterloo Road and Skins, as it tackles personal issues such as teen pregnancy, drugs and alcoholism in both, however in Skins it is much more graphic. As there are currently no existing Welsh soap dramas, we decided that we would give it a name with a Welsh theme, which is when we came up with 'The Vale'.
iMovie Logo

Photoshop Logo
Whilst editing our trailer, poster and magazine cover, we used programmes such as iMovie and Adobe Photoshop. I have a lot of experience with Photoshop as I am an A-Level Art Student, aspiring to be a Graphic Designer, so I tend to use it a lot. This year, we used brand new cameras which were different to the ones we used last year, which was exciting. They had a much better picture quality which made our trailer look more professional.
As you can see, I took inspiration from Being Humans poster. I used the 3 main characters which were featured in the trailer, and I placed the female character in the middle in between the 2 males, as these are the 2 potential fathers in the trailer. I like the use of pink for the font as it coordinates with the BBC Three logo. Obviously, the images of our posters are going to look different as Being Human is about vampires, where as 'The Vale' is about real life dramas.
I used the same image for the poster and magazine front cover as I thought it was best suited to show the public what the storyline is. You can clearly see that the female is pregnant, and if you read into it more, you can see that there are 2 males each side, which may indicate that they are potential fathers. I decided to edit the image in the poster more compared to the image I used in the magazine front cover as I wanted it to have an urban edge, which is why I used the grunge effect and highlighted certain colours, in particular the graffiti walls. I didn't watch too much information on the poster as I know how boring it may of looked, and if I see posters around I just look at the image and bold writing.
I think that all 3 of my tasks fit in well together as they all co-ordinate with the way I have edited them, e.g. we used a blurred effect on the corners of the screen in the trailer and also added a separate effect which is similar used in the edit of the poster. The characters are wearing the same clothes in the poster/magazine cover in the trailer so they are easy identifiable.
The only difficulties we endured whilst creating our 3 tasks were that we had no Photoshop or iMovie training, we had to get on with it ourselves and learnt as we edited. As I am naturally talented on the computer, I didn't find this as difficult as others. Other problems which occurred were things such as illness, weather conditions and work commitments.
Good. You have explained how your tasks link together and have used visuals to exemplify.